Marvel is at it again with another addition to their ever growing superhero universe. The Scott Derrickson directed story centers around Doctor Stephen Strange, Benedict Cumberbatch, a brilliant neurosurgeon who suffers a crippling injury to his hands. After his pursuit of a cure through conventional medicine fails him, Strange journeys to the far east searching for mystical paths that may hold the key to his recovery. He gets much more than he expects however, when he finds that the power he sought to heal his body can also bend the laws of space time and reality itself.

I have nothing but good things to say about this movie. This was probably the most ambitious of Marvel's films as it seeks to fold a world of magic and trans-dimensional sorcery into it's cinematic universe. All other Marvel films seem tame by comparison as this is by far the most unique looking film I've seen by a major studio to date. This seriously feels like what would happen if Inception and Avatar: The Last Air Bender had a three way with Enter The Void. If that doesn't peak your interest, I don't know what will. The visuals are mind bending with action scenes that take place across dimensions of space, time and the etheric plane. From a kaleidoscope of twisting buildings to the colorful outer reaches of the outer realm, this movie is literally the closest thing to a psychedelic experience you can get without smoking a Joe Rogen level of DMT. Don't get it twisted, Doctor Strange is no one trick pony. The acting is superb and it's cast which, along with Cumberbatch, includes Rachel McAdams, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Tilda Swinton absolutely knock it out of the park. The writing is also a highlight of this film as it successfully balances all the complexities of it's story and visuals with a hefty dose of comedy which gave this movie just the right amount of grounding it needed to keep from being too...well... strange.

All in all I really have to give this movie props for taking what is surely the most heady and complex of Marvel's compendium of characters and churning out what may be my favorite Marvel film so far. It's daring, funny, action packed and the visuals will knock the eyeballs out of your head!  If you have a chance to see this film in IMAX or God bless, IMAX-3D? Don't hesitate! Doctor Strange conjures up a perfect 5... out of 5.


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