Meet The Duke

What's up you squares? My name is Tony AKA: The Duke of Movietown. I’ve been a fan of film ever since the first time I walked into a movie theater. I was just five years old 1991 when my dad took me to see The Super at the Annex 7 theater in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The place was run down. It smelled like stale popcorn and the floor was so filthy that every step we took through the dimly lit theater halls made a sticky peeling sound on the carpet. Even so, there was just something special about about sitting in the dark with my dad, eating Raisinets and laughing at Joe Pesci mull over the frame of his stripped down Corvette. It was an experience that really stuck with me and it’s a feeling that I get every time I sit down in a theater. That's not just for the good flicks mind you, I also like the terrible ones and the mediocre ones as well. If you told me that you were hosting a movie party at your house and the playlist was Weekend at Bernie's, Cyborg 2, and Jaws 4: The Revenge, the only thing I would want to know is what kind of snacks you wanted me to bring.

I truly believe in the power movies have to bring people together, whether you're sitting in a theater with an extra large tub of greasy popcorn or sitting on a comfy couch with a slightly burned bag of Orville Redenbacher. They give us something to talk about. They shape the lexicon of the human experience. Movies are the place where romances begin, where friendships are forged and life moments are shared 

I started this blog to share my love of movies and to give my personal opinion on the films that I catch. I hope you like what you see.

- Duke


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