I started writing reviews again a little while ago. Motivation has a funny way of showing up in places that we expect the least. In my case it happened while scrolling through tv one lazy Sunday afternoon. I was just flipping through the ether, thinking about life and if it’s really all connected or are we just a random collection of atoms and particles and I landed on Nickelodeon just in time to see one of my favorite scenes from any film in The Spongebob Squarepants movie. Now, I don’t know what it was that made me stop and take notice at that moment; pure luck? Maybe. Some may call it divine intervention. Still, others may contend that it has no traceable connection at all, it all just being a part of the cosmic unconsciousness. Or it could simply be that I just really like cartoons. Whatever name you give it, it got me. Just like Sam Jackson in Pulp Fiction, I felt the hand of God getting involved in my life.

The scene I’m talking about takes place at the climax of the film. There we see Spongebob surrounded by hundreds of Bikini Bottom’s townsfolk all outfitted with mind control helmets that make them mindless puppets, acting on the whim of the evil genius, Plankton. Faced with certain doom, Spongebob gives a passionate, self-affirming speech accepting himself and his copious character flaws. The townsfolk begin to move in on him. Suddenly without hint or previous established context, he is transformed into a purple wizard outfitted with a cape and an electric guitar shaped like a peanut. He then uses the guitar to rock so hard that the mind control helmets begin to explode, unable to handle his incredible level of rock n’ roll power, thus freeing the people of Bikini Bottoms and saving the day once and for all.

I may not be a sea creature who lives in the rind of a submerged tropical fruit, but I’ve been in Spongebob’s squeaky black shoes before. Life has a way of cornering you and forcing you to make tough choices. These choices can test the zeal of your passion. Do you take that job across the country or do you go see about a girl? Do you go drop bombs at the rap battle or stay home and clean the spaghetti stains off of your sweater? Maybe you’ve been like me and you thought you’ve compromised too much. Chased the wrong dream in pursuit of money and a new car and now the idea of starting your career over again is one pill that feels like it’s just too damn hard to swallow. Whatever it is, I’m here to tell you to take that chance, climb that mountain, do whatever you have to do to listen to and act on that little voice that’s telling you to be who you really are. Because try as you might, there is no amount of money that will scratch an itch that comes from your soul. When we walk in our passions we unlock our own power. It’s a power that can not only set you free, it just may give others the courage to tap into theirs. If I’m going to do that for others, it’s about time I started being who I am in this world. For those among you who don’t know, I am The Duke of Movietown and I ain’t goin nowhere so you can get to know me.


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