I just came from seeing Deadpool! The last time we saw "the Merc with the mouth" it was in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. He laid at the bottom of a pile of rubble, mouthless, disgraced and his character bastardized for the sake of name recognition. Fans everywhere shed a tear believing that their one and only chance to see Deadpool in all his snarky, cartoonish, meta, murderous, mayhem were gone forever. In the time since that debacle of 2009, the world is a different place. Women have gained the right to vote, we've had two Popes and Chris Hemsworth redefined the word "sploosh" for women everywhere. Most importantly though, Deadpool has gone from largely unknown cult comic character to the Che Guevara of Marvel's underground appearing in Marvel's animated movies, his own video game and growing an enormous fan base. A fan base so large in fact that 20th Century Fox was convinced (albeit begrudgingly) to green light Ryan Reynolds, perhaps the film's biggest supporter, to take another shot at creating more true to character version of Deadpool.

So what's the verdict on this movie? IT'S PERFECT! Everything that makes Deadpool the dark comedy king of Marvel is here! He's cocky, hyper violent, self referential, clearly a little pissy about having to drag Fox kicking and screaming into making this movie and is as nutty as an old school Bugs Bunny cartoon, you know, the good ones with all the lovable racism. The action scenes are stellar with over the top violence and believe it or not, the love story that drives the whole thing is genuine and heartfelt with Morena Baccarin playing against Ryan Reynolds with an equally dark sense of humor. 

So if you're looking for a good both a good Valentine's Day movie to take a loved one to this weekend, and a movie that will make you howl with laughter one second and then shout "EWW" and "awe" within that same second. Check this flick out! You'll be glad you did! Deadpool gets a PERFECT 5... out of 5.


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