To infinity and beyond! Star Trek Beyond continues the adventures of the newly rebooted Star Trek crew lead by Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) and Dr. Spock (Zachary Quinto). This time the crew of the Enterprise find themselves betrayed and marooned on a jungle planet in search of a mad man (Idris Elba) with devastating weapon of mass destruction and an axe to grind against the Federation of Planets. Beyond looks to improve on the big ol box of predictable that Star Trek Into Darkness was and let me tell you straight away that they deliver!

This go round, the crew of the Enterprise steps away from the bridge to bring about the away mission of all away missions. I really enjoyed what they did here by showing a unique and interesting Star Trek story and putting it in an unfamiliar setting. Simon Peg and Karl Urban are perfect fish out of water here as Scotty and Dr. McCoy as is newcomer Sofia Boutella who plays the rebel badass Jaylah with a stunning intensity and a dry humor that really made me enjoy watching her. Watching the crew fight to stay alive on inhospitable terrain with limited resources really reminded me of why I liked these characters to begin with which I feel was something that was lacking in the last film. The story was really well thought out and the action was innovative and well shot making my overall theater experience very enjoyable. Star Trek Beyond is a big screen action adventure roller coaster and earns itself a solid 4...out of 5.


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