I came from seeing SUICIDE SQUAD! The highly controversial and highly anticipated film that furthers the story of the DC Universe. Suicide Squad tells a Dirty Dozen style story drawn around the street level villains in DC Comics who after imprisonment, are forced to work together to go on a suicide mission to save the city from other-worldly enemies.

The critics really have been tearing this film a new one, mostly because it's not the Dark Knight in my estimation, but the reality of the situation is that it's not as bad as all that. The action is fast paced and interestingly shot, the acting is decent and the characters are very interesting and fun to watch interact. The truth is it’s actually 5 or 6 different movies all going on at once. Some are really good and some are really bad but giving it one rating overall doesn't do the movie's individual parts justice. It’s essentially a well-intentioned Deadshot movie about family and kids, a good Diablo movie about redemption, a Lifetime grade movie about Harley Quinn and her abusive douche bag boyfriend The Joker(who by the way, contrary to popular belief, I think was supposed to be an unlikable character. He's still a villain remember?), a half baked love story between Captain Flag and Enchantress and whatever screen time there was leftover got spent on everyone else so Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang etc were forced to fight it out for relevance or purpose in the film which is where the problems start. The movie is so preoccupied with juggling all 25 different balls it has in the air that it drops about 10-15 of them in the process. I could go into depth about what the movie gets right and wrong but it all comes down to the fact that there were too many working parts for them to come together correctly. Ultimately, Suicide Squad gets a 2.5...out of 5.


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