I saw Don Jon the other day! Now for all the dudes in the house, I mean the real dudes, the guys who aren't afraid to admit that they've been to the naughty side of the internet a time or two, this is a movie for you. That's not to say that women aren't invited. Far from it. On the contrary I think this will probably be the dirtiest movie that you'll want to take your girlfriend to. This movie, starring, written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, tells the tale of hotshot New Jersey playboy Jon "The Don" Martello who's life revolves around the same 8 things, his body, his family, his car, his place, his church, his bros, his chicks, and most importantly his porn. On the outside Jon's steady life of high-fives and hookups is the picture perfect bachelor's dream, that is until he meets the dime of all dimes Barbara, played by Scarlett Johansson, who sets off a chain of events that cause Jon to not only question his winning routine but also question the meaning of both love and happiness. For Gordon-Levitt's debut film, I have got to say that this is most impressive. Even more than that, for anyone's film this is impressive. The camera work is top notch, everyone is good in it especially Tony Danza who plays Jon's dad and is flat out hilarious. What's more, JGL manages to strike a comfortable balance between comedy and drama by managing to keep things light, funny and genuine even in the face of some heavy subject material. Dude's will like it because it's honest and edgy and girls will dig it because it's heartfelt and believe it or not romantic! In fact, now that I've really had time to sit and digest it, this is probably one of the best romantic comedies I've seen in a long time. For the first time guys just might get that fuzzy feeling that girls go to the movies for... maybe not, but either way, its worth giving it a go. I'm really struggling to find something to keep this movie out of the 5/5 range. If anything there is quite a bit of 'lewd' imagery here but it's a movie about porn addiction so really, if you didn't see that coming I really have no sympathy for you. That and its got a couple spots where I think that I was expecting a little bit more emotion but in keeping with the indie style, I think it plays just how it needs to be played. Overall Don Jon is definitely worth seeing and don't let the porn stop you from bringing your significant other along. Don Jon gets a 5...out of 5.


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