I saw THE FAMILY the other day! Its an R-rated comedy starring Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, John D'Leo and Dianna Argon. This movie, directed by Luc Besson, is a black comedy about the family of a notorious mobster placed in witness protection and forced to hide out in a small French town... la casa nostra grade hijinks ensue. Now from the trailer, you see that it looks like a cross between Analyze this and Meet the Parents and to a degree you're right. Bobby "Anything For A Paycheck" De Niro does his mob guy thing and Michelle "Too Many F's In Her Name" Pfeiffer does a good job here too playing his tough as nails wife. Tommy Lee "Still Playing K" Jones is almost asleep during this but we're lucky because Dianna "Rather Sing About It On Glee" Argon and John "Way Better In This Than He Needs To Be" D'Leo are great as De Niro's bad-ass kids. The movie does a good job of balancing violence and comedy throughout but things start to get hairy in the third act. I won't say what happens but I will say that it's a tonal shift that's a little extreme for what we've been given up to that point and seems out of place and poorly written. In a nutshell, shit gets real, implausibly real but for no real reason at all. Ultimately, I'd say that The Family is an alright movie for the most part but it's third act is way more serious than it needs to be and forgets that it's here to make me laugh. The Family gets a 2.5... out of 5.


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