I saw THE WOLF OF WALL STREET the other day! The Wolf of Wall Street is a comedy based on sex, drug and money laden rise and fall of real life stock market swindler Jordan Belfort. The movie, directed by Martin Scorsese, stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill and Margot Robbie. This movie is equal parts Goodfellas, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas combined with Will Ferrell grade hysteria. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it! DiCaprio commands attention as the unhinged yet fully confident Jordan Belfort displaying a range of emotions between suave and quite confidence to pure uncut animistic rage and Jonah Hill is just as incorrigible as his amyl nitrate popping right hand man Danny Porush. The two combine with the directorial vision of Scorsese to make the perfect mixture of pure comedy and well placed drama. The camera work is top notch, the art direction is superb and literally everyone here brings their A-game which is quite rare for a comedy such as this. Honestly, if DiCaprio doesn't get a nomination for this film, I'm going to start a riot! The Wolf of Wall Street gets a PERFECT 5...out of 5!!


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