I just saw DJANGO UNCHAINED and let me come right out and say I was not too happy with it. Not that it was a bad movie, its just that this movie illustrates the exact reason that all movies need good editors and even famous/powerful directors need someone to tell them when to hold back. Django has a compelling story, electric performances from Christoph Waltz, Sam Jackson and especially Leonardo DiCaprio. There were laugh out loud funny moments and of course, a powerful message about the value of freedom. This COULD have been Tarantino's best work since Pulp Fiction, BUT the unnecessarily long 3 hour run time and offensively excessive use of the word "nigger" like it's blood in a Kurosawa film, majorly drag this movie down and make it less of an expert director's blaxploitation masterpiece like we saw with Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction, and more like watching an ADHD 13 year old white boy hopped up on sugar laugh maniacally while he sprays blood at the screen and shouts NIGGER for 3 hours. This is really unfortunate because Django could have easily been a perfect film, but its glaring missteps in scriptwriting and editing take the wind out of its sails, dragging it down to a pathetic 3... out of 5.


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