I saw IRON MAN 3 last night! There are a lot of mixed feelings I have about this movie but I'll try to express them by keeping them brief and spoiler free. On one hand, the special effects were mind blowing and the story really kept me engaged the whole way through. Guy Pierce was great and so was Ben Kingsley who's performance as The Mandarin simply needs to be seen. RDJ is great as always but this go round he really shines by showing that it takes more than a flashy suit to be The Iron Man. On the other hand, the script feels a little loosey goosey in its telling and there may have been one or two too many characters to try and follow and there are a couple missteps in story telling that lead to an undeniable plot hole at the end. This would typically balance out to be around a 3.5 but I think that the things it does well it does very well indeed which push it up quite a bit. Overall Iron Man 3 gets a 4... out of 5.


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