I saw OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN last night! Its pretty much Die Hard in the White House with King Leonidas as John McClain with a little bit of GI Joe and Taken mixed in. As derivative and stale as that sounds it was actually a pretty good action film and believe it or not its actually better than a lot of more recent Die Hard films. Aaron Eckhart, Melissa Leo and Morgan Freeman are great playing The President, The Secretary of Defense and the Speaker of the House respectively and Rick Yune is truly despicable as our mustache twirling villain. This show however, is all about Gerard Butler who is finally out of those damn romantic comedies and is back to kicking ass and he does it well. This is seriously his best role since 300. Good acting collides with explosive action to make a pretty enjoyable film on the whole. Olympus Has Fallen gets a 3.5... out of 5.


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