Ok, so I saw STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS Sunday night. The last time we saw the Enterprise crew they set box office records, rebooted the Star Trek franchise, and made a true TOS fan out of me! That being said, I had a lot of really high expectations for this film and for the first half or so I was really pleased. The crew was all present and accounted for, the special effects were amazing, and the story was tight... until the third act. J.J. Abrams must have taken a rather severe blow to the head while filming the third act of this movie because in the middle of all this new Star Trek Awesomeness, all of a sudden the old Star Trek came in and... well... "ruined" may be too harsh a word so instead I'll say things started looking far too familiar in a Revenge of the Sith kind of way. Plus I'm not so sure that certain plot points will resonate as well with newer Trek fans as it will with older ones and even then, things get kind of wonky. Overall, Star Trek is an alright film and though not the film I was hoping for, it satisfies an itch and gets a 3...out of 5.


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