Saw THE HANGOVER 3 last night. Its finally over, the Wolfpack is no more. Unfortunately its not the exit that we were all hoping for. In true Hangover fashion I will tell you my rating first and then we'll walk it back and see what happened. 2...out of 5. Now how did this happen? Well on the positive side, we have the entire cast back plus Melissa McCarthy & John Goodman! We have Vegas, Mexico and a headless giraffe! On the bad side it wasn't that funny, the script wasn't as tight or zany as the other movies, nobody has a hangover, and Zach Galifinakis' character, of which I was a big fan, was just flat out unlikeable this go round which really really brought it down for me. Overall I'd say skip it and even if you're a completionist still wait for HBO. Again, 2...out of 5.


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