Saw THE GREAT GATSBY last night! Baz Lugrman brings the spectacle of Moulin Rouge and the passion from Romeo and Juliet into F. Scott Fitzgerald's literary masterpiece in what may be the biggest most colorful most ok film of the summer. Don't get me wrong, the script is tight and the cinematography is mind blowing but I have to say that for the first half of the movie it's more style than substance as the legitimately interesting mystery of just who this man Gatsby is seems to take a back seat to the CGI spectacle of the roaring 20's. Toby Maguire and Carrey Mulligan do a passable job of acting here while Leonardo DiCaprio is fantastic, but it isn't until both he and Joel Edgerton start interacting that you really see it and I'm sad to say that doesn't happen until the third act. That and there are some loose ends about Gatsby himself that weren't wrapped up as well as they should have been by the time the credits rolled. Overall, it's a great story about love and tragedy that just so happens to have a slipshod, hit and miss execution. The Great Gatsby gets a 3.5... out of 5.


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