I saw NOW YOU SEE ME last night. If you liked flicks like Ocean's 11 or The Prestige you'll like this...for the most part. This movie seems like its doing everything right by having a star studded cast, an interesting plot and some really cool illusions that literally play tricks on the whole audience. In fact it's a lot like a three act magic show with each trick being more entertaining than the last. It all builds towards what seems to be a truly grand finale but unfortunately it doesn't stick the landing. In fact, it crashes and burns in spectacularly Shyamalanian fashion and then has the nerve to shout, "TA-DA!!!" at the end. The characters, though initially interesting, are ultimately single dimensional, and the plot, though enthralling and seemingly well thought out ends on a totally hack implausible we-had-no-idea-how-to-end-this note that literally had me going "What?! Screw you!" in the theater. Its a lot like watching a man do a triple gainer flip with two full twists off the high dive and land with a belly-flop. Now You See Me gets a 2...out of 5.


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