50 Classic Horror Films You SHOULDN'T Watch: DON'T WATCH Alien

Alright, alright don't get your panties in a wad, I know I didn't post anything to slake your blood lust but trust me it was for a good reason! Besides, I was just going to do a bit on alien invaders, today is supposed to be aliens in space and before you set your jaw and say, "hey that's cheating!" I'll have you know that those are totally two different things! One is on earth, one is in space! It's like the difference between an elephant and an elephant seal ...FINE! I can tell you're not buying it so let me put both of those things together. That means I'll have to take on TWO juggernauts of horror at the same time. I guess I brought it on myself huh? Anyway, I'm not scared and I guess that's the point isn't it?

The two movies I'm going to be taking on, if you haven't guessed them already, are Alien and The Thing. Pick your jaw up off the floor I know what you're saying, I'm no Ellen Ripley nor am I R.J. MacReady but none the less I'll give it a go. What can I say about Alien that hasn't already been said? We all know it's an amazingly frightening movie! The character designs by H.R. Giger, the claustrophobic feel of the cinematography, the terrible menace of the alien that could be hiding in the shadows around any corner. It's a look and a feel that has not been replicated, nor has anyone ever come CLOSE to replicating it since it first debuted in 1979 and quite frankly, I'm sick of hearing about it, not because I don't like it, far from it! It's just feeling a little old these days. The Thing is getting there too. It didn't do so well in 82 when it was released but hey, it was up against E.T. and Blade Runner at the time so number 3 on that list isn't bad. Now however, thanks to the miracle of video tape, The Thing has become the measuring stick to which space monster movies are measured. But that was over 30 years ago, there are a lot of films taking some stinging shots at our reigning heroes and it's high time we acknowledge them.

THE MIST. While it's technically a story about interdimensional transportation as opposed to alien invasion the spirit of the film is still the same. Scientist start fiddling with things they shouldn't and as a result, our dimension fuses with another one and alien creatures begin walking around in our space here on earth in a massive cloud of thick mist resulting in a scenario that puts man at the absolute rock bottom of the food chain. The fortunate ones hold up inside a grocery store and together try to survive both the event and each other. This movie is good all the way around from special effects to creature design to high tension. If you're a fan of The Thing, this movie is not to be missed!

FEAST. If you're looking for a movie to play during your Halloween party, look no further than Feast! The movie takes place at the local watering hole in a broke down town. Things get hairy when out of nowhere their evening is interrupted by creatures from another world dropping in on them looking for something to eat. The movie is in essence a send up of movie heroes and Hollywood cliches and its absolutely hilarious and gross at the same time. Just to give you an idea of where this movie is going, it literally tells you the odds of each person in the cast's survival within the first 5 minutes of the film! The cast is also pretty damn inventive and includes they types of Hollywood misfits that you'd expect to be at a bar in the middle of nowhere including names like Judah Friedlander, Eric Dane, Henry Rollins, Treach from Naughty by Nature, and Jason "Jay" Mewes who plays himself. It's the only way to go if you're looking for something new, sick, funny and gross in the space alien category.

EVENT HORIZON. This is a movie that truly shocked me. It's a movie about a rescue crew who is trying to investigate a ship that mysteriously returned from the other side of a black hole and the horrors they find onboard. The movie stars Sam "Dr. Grant" Neill and Laurence Fishburne and the hellish scenes of carnage and gore are enough to make you want to go somewhere and pray. I honestly have only seen the movie once and halfway through the second time I'm not ashamed to say that I tapped out. So if you have the guts, check it out because this movie does too.

SUNSHINE. This little known gem of 2007 centers around a crew of astronauts seeking to restart the sun after it suddenly begins to go cold. It's like a mix between Alien and The Core. The movie is pretty cool plus it stars Chris Evans, Cillian Murphy, Rose Byrne and Michelle Yeoh which I don't need to tell you, have come a mighty long way in the last few years. If you're interested in the infinite darkness of space, and enjoyed the visuals of Aliens, check this movie out!


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